Gobies are very peaceful fish and will be a great addition to any tank. There are over 2000 species in the Goby family and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. They are small fish and can be kept in smaller aquariums with peaceful fish, coral, and invertebrates. If you have more than one Goby in a tank keep an eye out because they can become territorial towards each other. Their environment should consist of rocks, caves, crevices, overhangs and live sand.
They are known to burrow in the sand to look for food. This burrowing helps keep your sand clean and aerated. Besides algae and worms they find in your tank they will also need to be fed multiple times a day. Their diet should consist of worms, brine or mysis shrimp, frozen food, amphipods and other meaty fish food.
Tank Recommendation (min): 10 Gal Temperament: Peaceful Water Conditions: 76-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
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