Stingrays are aggressive, carnivorous, bottom dwelling fish. They have a flattened disc like body with a venomous tail. They spend most of the time dwelling on the bottom of the tank so be sure there is a sandy bottom so they don’t scratch their belly. It will try to bury in your sandy substrate to camouflage itself.
Stingrays have a venomous tail that they use for protection so be careful when handling them or when you clean your tank. Never expose Stingrays to copper because it will harm them and could kill them.
Keep in mind that the stingray will likely eat any invertebrates. When feeding them provide small squid, shrimp, and other meaty marine flesh.
Tank Recommendation (min): 150-300 Gal
Temperament: Aggressive
Water Conditions: 76-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025